Kelly Keating: Ocean Grove
These are photos of DG Arts member Kelly Keating of his summer residence in Ocean Grove, New Jersey.
Notice the details of the delightful mid-19th Century architecture.
Ocean Grove was founded in 1869 as an outgrowth of the camp meeting movement in the United States, when a group of Methodists clergymen, led by William B. Osborn and Ellwood H. Stokes, formed the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to develop and operate a summer camp meeting site on the New Jersey seashore. By the early 20th century, the popular Christian meeting ground became known as the "Queen of Religious Resorts." The community's land is still owned by the camp meeting association and leased to individual homeowners and businesses. Ocean Grove remains the longest-active camp meeting site in the United States. Also, in the history of Ocean Grove women played a dynamic role in the life of the town operating many types of businesses. The Ocean Grove Historical Society mounts several exhibitions a year. A recent exhibition was about bathing fashion in the Victorian period and early 20th century